i absolutely adore my hot pink fish eye camera from urban outiftters! i love how this camera lens turns any 'simple' or 'regular' photo into a real work of art! this was taken several months ago, but i wanted to share this beauty! xo
The desire for all things lovely and wonderful.

i am so very excited that my finals are over and it's finally summertime in southern california! unfortunately, i will be taking summer school BOTH sessions starting next week. oh well. the sooner i get classes out of the way, the sooner i will be able to transfer. well a lot has been going on since my last post. my older sister michelle got engaged! and lucky me gets to be one of the maid of honors! it is very fun constantly keeping my eyes open for sweet wedding inspirations and checking on venues with her. she is new to this process as am i. so it should be exciting to see how everything falls into place. thats it for now. hopefully i'll have something exciting happen in the next few days that i can post about! <3>
my oh my
time sure flies when you're living life...well, it is almost summer season and i am counting down the days until my very last final. unfortunately, i've decided to take on two sessions of summer school...so i am pretty much going to school year round. i keep telling myself that it will all be worth it someday. the day i graduate from college i think i'll believe that more than i do right now. well, let's hope that is the case. this week i actually had an epiphany! i've been pondering for some time now about majors and career choices and suddenly, a few days ago, it all came to me. i am going to major in psychology! and hopefully get into cal poly slo when i transfer next next fall. if all goes as planned, that is. i am truly working my tail off in school right now and i think people overlook just how difficult college truly is. it is definitely hard work. however, nobody said life would be easy, they just promised that it would be worth it. my second realization was that i want to be certified to teach yoga! i've been a huge fan and yogi for several years. although, i need to practice more! hopefully this summer i will have a bit of time to detox and practice my passion. that's all for now. stay lovely, xo
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About Me

- learning new things everyday, enjoying every minute, counting my blessings, and loving life. college freshman, california born and raised. i strive to be different. huge passion for fashion, photography, and art. xoxo